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PowerPoint Video Presentation about Lev Vygotsky and his
Social Development Theory

         In order for me to be knowledgeable of what am teaching I must have extensive knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline of child development and their applications in education. I need to know how both relate to one another and to other disciplines, so I can educate my students to use their higher level of critical thinking skills. I must be understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics and concepts or my students with fail to progress properly. I must link the necessary cognitive structures that ensure student understanding. I must hold myself accountable, planning and practicing reflection and familiarity with a wide range of effective pedagogical approaches in the discipline. Only by continuing to educate myself will I continue to gain the necessary educational tools and the ability to anticipate student misconceptions.

          I have successfully passed all Praxis II examinations with high scores ranging from one hundred seventy-six to one hundred eighty-one. I passed all four examinations during my first attempt, showing I have extensive knowledge of the important concepts needed for student success. This exhibits and my own habits for continuing to educate myself so that I may be knowledgeable to teach others.

        The inclusion of a presentation I have created on Lev Vygotsky is designed to reflect familiarity with different pedagogical approaches. He is especially prominent in the field of education for his Social Development Theory, more specifically his Zone of Proximal Development or ZPD. Using Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, I can be familiar with the ability to anticipate student's level of knowledge and the prerequisites needed for their success. With the use of scaffolding, providing a safe environment, and using guiding questions to help each student achieve greatness.

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