Band Application tutorial I did for an assignment in 426.
I plan on implementing this in my classroom.
Data from the Halloween observation and inference lesson
Successmaker chart in the classroom
I must maintain accurate, up-to-date information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and noninstructional records being sure that my method of doing so is fully effective. I will always provide unbiased feedback in a quick and timely manner. Feedback is key to student success, without feedback students may continue to do assignments in the same manner, without knowing if they need to make adjustments or if they are incorrectly doing the assignment. I will have my students contribute information and participate in maintaining their records, especially with their progress on Successmaker. I will allow students to grade their own work at times so they may ask questions as we are grading. This gives students a sense of responsibility for their learning. Maintaining accurate records is key to knowing your students abilities, needs, and progression, as well as how well my teaching methods are working and how they need to be adjusted.
In current classroom my cooperating teacher uses an online gradebook, I am sure when I have my own classroom I will have to use something similar depending on the school. I will always keep track of data and use it to adjust my teaching methods and keep track of students progress. I will use an application called Band for communication between myself and parents, staff, and I could even use it for my self to keep records an classroom photos and information. The video above is a tutorial I did to show how each feature of the application can be used and two real-world places I already use the application. Another way to maintain records is to involve students, by having them fill in a successmaker chart to track their progress or other charts to track achievements that they make throughout the year.