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Below are before and after pictures of the inference discussion we had on the book I was reading to them "The Misadventures of Max Crumbly; Locker Hero" by Renee Russell


This is a video of me introducing my artwork of Max Crumbly to my Art Education professor. My students joined in with me to say hello.

Display of the students' snowflakes in the classroom.

Cooperating teacher evaluation. Highlighted part discusses how the students enjoyed my lesson so much they wanted me to teach another one.

         By displaying students' work, not just artwork, it gives them a sense of responsibility for maintaining high-quality work and striving to meet the high expectations of their teacher. I love to see their work as do they, they are proud of it or even critical of their work. Some students begin to see where they need to adjust, add more details, or change their perspective. This high level of thinking can encourage students to aid each other in their classwork.
          After we had our discussion about making inferences about the main character Max in our book, each student wrote down on notecards what they inferred. The students then taped their notecards onto our life-size Max. They worked together and produced a classroom environment
full of cognitive and collaborative learning. Before we began our discussion, I took a video of myself presenting my art of Max Crumbly for my online Art professor. My students joined in and said hello. By doing this with me showed me great respect.
    The last artifact I have included is a cooperating teacher evaluation that discusses
 how the students enjoyed my lesson so much they wanted me to teach another one. Reading this evaluation made me feel at that moment it was all coming together. I had established a cultured environment for learning and my students respected me as their teacher.

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