Unit Plan from Education 426
Lesson 3
Evaluation of my Lesson by Dr. Reed. The part highlighted is when I had to teach on the fly, changing my tactics for understanding.

Video from a the end of my Science Lesson at Dunbar Intermediate. To demonstrate responsiveness, I am adding this video because of the behavior issues during the lesson, at the end I did an SEL exercise about hope.

As a teacher, I need to be sure that I enhance learning by seizing all opportunities that arise spontaneously in the classroom. I can use unexpected events to my advantage, and utilize them to enrich the learning experience. I am able to quickly change teaching strategies, adjusting and differentiating my instruction to address individual student misunderstandings.
I have an extensive repertoire of instructional strategies that I implore in the classroom. As an older student and Residency Teacher, I have the advantage of using strategies from years ago how I learned something and I can solicit additional resources from the school or community. Currently, I am researching different MTSS and RTI instructional techniques, two of which my cooperating teacher and I use in the classroom now. Continuing to research and learn more effective approaches for students who need help, will only make me a better teacher and mindful person.
As a teacher I have to be prepared to switch my teaching methods at any moment. In fact, for my Education 426 Unit Plan, I had to completely change both my second and third lessons because the students prior knowledge was not adequate for me to continue. We had to take a step back and go back to some basics. Dr. Reed was their to witness how on the third day of my Unit Plan I was using hands on manipulatives, and then change the lesson on the "fly" to accommodate student misunderstandings. In my science lesson at Dunbar I had to add a SEL mini lesson at the end of the class due to behavior issues. We discussed hope and what hopes that had for their classroom for the new year.