Final PEER Grant Report
West Virginia State University
Project Title: Celebrating Appalachian Cultural Diversity:
An Action Research Project for Pre-Service Teachers
PI: Dr. Stephanie Burdette and Co-PIs Dr. Elisha Lewis
and Professor Helen Southall
Research Report
Field experience evaluation from Education 324
I have always felt that I can be that person, and teacher, that people can be count on to hold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality. I step up to take on new challenges to step out of my comfort zone and become acclimated to new people and places. I was asked to present at the Southern Regional Council on Education Administration, to do a Poster Session on with Haleigh Cook, who was on the research team that conducted the project. I was asked by Dr. Burdette and Dr. Lewis, to be a guest presenter, and I saw this as a wonderful oppurtunity to step out of my comfort zone. The research they found was something that I believed in and thought it was a fantastic topic for research and discussion. The Project Title is Celebrating Appalachian Cultural Diversity: An Action Research Project for Pre-Service Teachers. They were looking to see if students felt that there was a cultural bias against them based on their dialect. Never having presented something like that I was grateful for the experience and to take on a leadership role with colleagues.
Though I may not present at conferences, which now that I been to one I enjoyed it, I am a highly proactive in researching new information to better serve my students, seeking out resources when needed. Recently, I was reading and came upon the Panorama Education Interventions and Progress Monitoring Toolkit (2023-2024). I started reading about the MTSS and RTI strategies they had mentioned in this toolkit and realized that two of the intervention strategies we use in my classroom. This is why as educators we should never stop our personal education.
As a professional in the education world and a leader in my community, I must concert effort to challenge negative attitudes or practices to ensure that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, are honored in the school. No student should go unnoticed or treated with any disrespect. As I continue on this journey in education I look forward to taking on leadership roles in my school and continue my leadership roles at West Virginia State University.
The attached evaluations show that I am very professional with my cooperating teacher keeping him constantly informed complying fully with the school and district regulations. It shows my integrity with him and other teachers being proactive with keeping them up-to-date with my schedule and changes. The evaluation also shows my proactiveness in serving students needs and challenge my students, especially those underserved. Not only do I hold myself to the highest standards but I hold my students to those as well. I also seek out necessary resources for my students and families.