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Unit plan from 426
Lesson 2

Photographs of students engaged in outdoor math lessons.

Video clip from a science lesson at Dunbar Intermediate. Collaborative group work

Video clip from a science lesson at Richmond Elementary.

         In all of my lessons that I have taught over that past several years I believe each student has been intellectually engaged in challenging content. I have written well-designed learning tasks and activities that require complex thinking by students. I provide suitable scaffolding and by asking them questions I challenge my students to explain their thinking. When this happens the entire class is involved in listening to their peers and learning from them. They serve as resources for one another. It is hard to tell in the brief videos but I always have student contributions to the lessons. My lesson plans are clearly defined and structured. I am aware of my pacing of the lesson, so that I provide students the time needed to intellectually engage. When I finish a lesson I like to end with questions they may still have or thoughts. I reflect upon their learning and understanding, so that I may become a better teacher for them.

      In the videos and pictures above I have very well-designed learning tasks and activities that require complex thinking by students. In each on I required my students to think outside the box and serve as resources for each other. As you can see I always have students contribute to the lessons. Each of my lessons are well-designed so that they are intellectually engaging and involvement of students is well thought out, but I am prepared to change gears at anytime.

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